The rules.
1.Please make sure your news report is accurate UNLESS you put before your news report in ( ) (This is just a parody).
2.Do not have major swearing, or any pornographic material, rude or offensive,anti semitic, racist, or predjudice.
3. Cant be spam
4.Do nto advertise sites with it
5. DO NOT start flame wars. If that stats i lock it.
If you wanna start doing this News thing consistantly weekly or daily, then join the News Team group! I will email you the requirments for this group if you join.
The group will include an
Editor(reads reports before they are published and sees if it includes anything included in the above rules, this person will get a special emaill from me ;D)
4 diff.Anchors (ones on the field, they choose their subject)
Main Room Anchor(reports all news, but doesnt go on field)
and the Main Newsman/women! This person collects all the reports and the main anchors commentary from the editor who will pm them all the reports and will post them on this subforum!
and a