Helllloooo, this is an announcement on Moderator Requirments. So far we have 1 mod,Froggy, and another wanting to be a Moderator, which shall be discussed in a staff meeting. I thin its time we get some requirments down about becoming a mod.
1. Must have been on the forum for at least a week.
2. Must NOT have a history of sudden anger,bannings on TRT chat/forum, bipoler-ness, and anything else that might cause them to ban or misuse their powers on someone through anger.
3.Have to show their responsible
4.Have to be approved by me and FairFactor.
5.Have to have at least 15 posts
6. Has to be active a lot to moderate the forum
7. Cannot be racist,prejudice,anti semitic, or hateful in any way
8.Once again, no zebras
9. Staff must vote on matter
10. You have to be open minded and know if your banning someone through logic, or anger; if your banning through anger, just let it go, DO NOT BAN, and let another mod or me or ff know, and we wil handle it.
If you meet any of these requirments talk to me or FF and we will discuss it ;D